

Carolyn has 28 years experience as a
Naturopath, CranioSacral Therapist, Flower
Essence Practitioner and Medical Herbalist.
She lives and works in beautiful Golden Bay,
Aotearoa New Zealand.

Carolyn brings Flower Essences into all
aspects of her work. She is continually
inspired by their potent transformational
effect at all levels of experience –
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Working in partnership with Nature,
Carolyn uses a pendulum to tune into
your unique personal vibration, accurately
sourcing the optimum combination
of essences needed to support your
body’s natural healing processes
and improve your well-being.

Carolyn's Blog


What does "Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and CranioSacral Therapist" mean?
A Naturopath is a general practitioner of natural therapies. Naturopaths work with the whole person, with the goal of helping to restore healthy function on all levels of well-being. They explore lifestyle factors, health history, effects of stress, nutrition, allergies and environmental influences as well as your present symptoms. All levels of personal wellbeing are considered, from the denser physical to the more dynamic energetic pathways. Naturopaths use various treatments such as flower essences, herbal medicine, bodywork, nutritional supplements and other specialist modalities.

A Medical Herbalist is qualified in the specialty of making, prescribing and dispensing medicine sourced from plants in their natural state.

A CranioSacral Therapist uses gentle hands-on bodywork to evaluate and transform physiological function, emotional blocks and psycho-social patterns, helping the body release unresolved trauma in alignment with its soul-directed healing potential. ‘Cranio’ refers to the head and ‘Sacral’ refers to the sacrum (the triangular bone at the bottom of your spine). The CranioSacral system consists of the cranial bones, spine, sacrum, fascia and attached membranes containing the cerebrospinal fluid, surrounding and protecting the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). It is the central organising and integrative system of the body, through which the divine impulse of life unfolds its blueprint in the manifestation of physical form.

Carolyn Simon

ND, DipMedHerb
Member NZ Society of Naturopaths Inc      www.naturopath.org.nz
Member IAHP (CST)      www.iahp.com
Recognised registered Naturopath under Southern Cross Healthcare Wellbeing Plan



YourFlowerEssences.co.nz       Carolyn Simon, RD2 Takaka 7182, Golden Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand       Email carolynsimon1@gmail.com